Route optimization
Route planning and optimization for sales representative
Route optimization is a process that can be described in the following points:
- It has one goal – to create optimal routes, assuming all of the constraints listed below. The goal is always expressed when working as the most costly item.
- It always works on a single territory (but you can also run optimizations on multiple territories at the same time). The territory consists of clients and special objects such as sales representative’s residence, warehouse or office.
- Creates routes in accordance with restrictions such as:
- working time may not exceed 8h
- customer ID: 123 must be visited on Tuesdays
- the route cannot contain more than 18 clients
- planning visits in accordance with the given length and frequency of visits.
- Only customers who have been geocoded take part in the route optimization process.
The list of available restrictions that you can use is much longer and its description is available in the configuration module.
Routes directly after optimization can be viewed in the route module.